Brazos Pointe Fellowship has developed a GlobaLocal approach to making disciples. Our focus, both globally and locally, is empowering and equipping people to PRAY, GIVE, GO,and MULTIPLY.
Global Missions
Each year, we launch mission trips across North America and around the world for a variety of purposes. Join us on a trip. It will change your life and someone else's too.
Upcoming Trips
These are short term mission trips that last 7-10 days max. See all of our trip details here
Long Term Trips
Long Term Missions is for people who are willing to spend a summer, a semester, a year or a career sharing the gospel in a cross-cultural context. Whether you are a student or a professional our goal as Christ-Followers is to pour ourselves out for the sake of the lost, the poor, and our brothers and sisters in faith around the world to the Glory of God.
Just Interested
If you're not sure where you'd like to go but you ARE interested in going on a mission trip. Fill out this form HERE and we'll get back with you!
Local Partners
You don't have to travel far to make an impact. We have a number of local partnership and serving opportunities for you, your family or your small group to help those in need.