Rhythm of Worship

Brazos Pointe Living Room Podcast: Aggie Football, Elvis, and Sweat Worship


Read It:
  • Romans 12:1 - "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship." 
  • 1 John 5:2-3a - "This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands."
  • John 4:23"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks."

Explore It:
  • According to these verses, how is the Biblical definition of worship different from how most people (even Christians) would describe it?  
  • With this Biblical definition, what are some other ways you've seen people worship?

Do It:
  • Choose from the Worship Activity options below that you feel your group would respond to well and practice worshipping together.

Worship Activity Options

Choose a one or two of ideas that you think might work best for your group. Also, if you've got other ideas for even more ways to worship, we trust you as a small group leader. (Please let us know about your ideas so we can update this list too.)  
Prayer Walk
Worship by enjoying God's creation. Meet in a different location (a park, or the beach, etc) and experience the natural beauty of God's handiwork. As you finish your time together, spend some time together in prayer praising Him for all He has created. 
Cookout or Campfire
Worship by strengthening your relationships to this Biblical Community. Enjoy the company of your small group friends and recognize that God smiles when He sees His children living as He has called them to live.
Names of God Worship Experience
Worship by intentionally recognizing God's character. Using the list in the link below, each person in your group chooses one (or 2) of the names for God found in Scripture and shares why it is meaningful to them.  
Names of God Worship Experience
Scripture Reading
Worship by listening to God's Word. Simply read Scripture together. Choose a meaningful passage and consider using a Bible version or paraphrase that is new or different.

Show & Tell
Worship by sharing God-centered stories. Ask small group members to bring an item that represents their faith and be prepared to share that story.
Show & Tell (Music edition)
Worship by sharing God-centered music. Each group member takes turns sharing a song or video that has a spiritual significance for them or has spoken truth into their lives in a pivotal moment. 
Digital Bible Lessons
Worship by sharing God-centered videos. Each group member takes a turn sharing a short Biblical message they found on tiktok, youtube shorts, instagram reels, etc.
Random Act of Kindness
Worship (Honor God) by encouraging someone. Scheme together to surprise someone with a special kindness from your group. Examples include:
  • write personal notes
  • send encouraging texts
  • cook a meal or bake a cake to share or drop off
  • Purchase gift cards and hand them out to strangers (or friends) 
  • Go to dinner together and plan a truly extravagant tip for your server
Work Out Together
Worship by stewarding your physical bodies by working out with your whole group. Use this time to connect with your group as well.
Worship by creating something together. Plan a night to create something that expresses something about your relationship with God. (make sure you have materials for everyone to participate)
Praise and Worship
Worship by singing praise to God. Arrange to have some musicians join your group. Plan to share lyrics so everyone can sing together.

Google Sites offers a free option for creating a website. You can put lyrics for each planned song on a separate page and then share the link with everyone in your group. 
Guided Journaling
Worship by writing. Create a worshipful environment with candles and soft music. Offer time for group members to reflect and write using a specific Bible passage for a few minutes and then give them a new passage or topic to journal about. Continue for as long as you'd like and then close with a sharing time to learn from each other and hear how God spoke to individuals. 
Sharing Your Story
Worship by sharing stories of what God has done in your lives. These stories can be about when you stepped over the line of faith or stories around a topic of your choosing.

Examples: A time when . . .
  • God gave you hope.
  • God provided for you.
  • the Holy Spirit brought you comfort.
  • God used His people to encourage you.
  • the message at church was just what you needed.
  • your small group was a blessing.
  • you felt like God used you.
  • you knew God's plan and direction.
  • you felt God's presence.
Liturgies or Creeds
Worship by joining with Christ followers from the past in reciting liturgies or creeds. Liturgies are written resources (readings, creeds, prayers, etc) for worship.  

Throughout the centuries that the church has existed, Christ followers have gathered to worship. Although every church and every culture has developed different habits and ideas for how their gatherings will lift up and honor the name of Jesus, they have also discovered many commonalities as they gather for the singular purpose of worshipping Jesus. Christ followers throughout the ages have written and collected liturgies, creeds, and prayers to pass these ideas on to the next generation and to create some unifying experiences. For some (especially those who have been raised in traditional churches), liturgies can become empty words with no heart. However, there is also something rich and meaningful about reciting and affirming Biblical truths in community. As we learn to agree on these things together, we strengthen our own faith and simultaneously strengthen our accountability and relationships with other Christ followers. Ancient liturgies allow us to worship alongside Christ followers from previous generations.    

 Use the link to find a document with a few Examples: Readings, Creeds, and Prayers

Many other resources can be found online .
The "every Moment Holy" series is a collection of 3 books with modern liturgies for specific moments ranging from a liturgy "for the changing of diapers" to another "for the weighing of last-stage medical options."

Bible Coloring
Worship by slowing your body into a relaxing and calming activity like coloring. Use the time to meditate on a scripture and aim to memorize it. In community, you can also use the time to discuss how a particular Bible verse has been helpful to you. Scripture coloring pages can be purchased many places online.