Mid/Long term opportunities

Mid/Long Term Missions is for people who are willing to spend a summer, a semester, a year or a career sharing the gospel in a cross-cultural context. Whether you are a student or a professional our goal as Christ-Followers is to pour ourselves out for the sake of the lost, the poor, and our brothers and sisters in faith around the world to the Glory of God.

At BPF, our approach is two-fold: strengthen the church in “reached” contexts (where there is at least some presence of the church) and establish the church in “unreached” contexts (where there is no existing church). Mid/Long-Term sending of church planting teams to unreached people and places is the primary means to achieve this goal.


Who do we partner with?

BPF partners with and supports a variety of different missions sending organizations. Both domestically and internationally, BPF is committed to supporting the efforts of those whose vision is aligned with Scripture and fulfilling the Great Commission. Below is a sample of various partner organizations we support.

IMB - International Mission Board - Church Planting
NAMB - North American Mission Board - Church Planting
Pioneers - International Church Planting
Ethnos360 - Formally “New Tribes” - International Church Planting
Wycliffe - Bible Translation
IJM - International Justice Mission - Ending Slavery & Abuse



Fill out a First Step form and someone will contact you to schedule a meeting.

First Step Form.

Our GlobaLocal Team desires to walk with you every step of this process, and that begins with an initial meeting following your submission of the First Step Form. A member of our team will reach out to you to schedule a meeting where we will be able to help you prayerfully consider your involvement in Mid/Long-Term missions.

After the completion of the First Step Form and meeting with a member of the GlobaLocal team, we want to affirm your call and walk with you as you connect with the agency, organization, or pathway that best fits your specific call to missions.

As you prepare to leave for the field through whatever sending organization or pathway, we want to celebrate you and this decision. We want to pray for you as a church and ensure that Brazos Pointe will continue to walk and encourage you long after you arrive on the field.


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