Frequently Asked Questions

How do I decide which Adult Small Group is right for me?

All of the BPF Adult Small Groups are different and are made up of different kinds of people. We believe that the conversation is better if we are not all alike. Since the area of Southern Brazoria County isn't vast, geographic location of the groups is not a huge factor. Therefore, the #1 variable that we look at when suggesting a group is the "day of the week". Try to find a day where you are least likely to experience an interruption or conflict with your attending group. Start there, and the rest of the decisions become much easier.

What if I'm uncomfortable praying or reading out loud? Am I going to be embarrassed by being asked to do so? 

No. We have all kinds of people in our Small Groups, many of which are uncomfortable praying out loud, or reading out loud. To help eliminate this fear barrier, we have trained our Small Group Leaders to never "call on" people to read the Bible or to pray out loud. We want your Small Group experience, as well as that of everyone else, to be a safe place. So, we ask for volunteers to read or to prayer. If no one volunteers, the Leader is more than happy to take on that responsibility.

I'm relatively new to church and the Christian faith. So, my knowledge of the Bible is not very deep. I'm afraid that I don't know enough about God or the Bible to attend an Adult Small Group. Is there a place for me?

You should feel comfortable in any of our Adult Small Groups. We are a "church for the unchurched", so we are excited when people who are new to faith come to our services and our Small Groups. You're not going to be asked specifically to answer any questions. The Leaders are trained to simply ask for volunteers to answer. You can be as quiet as you feel that you need to be, until that point where you are comfortable joining the conversation. No pressure will be put on you.