“How do i become a christ follower?” 

Jesus came from heaven to earth to give us a full life through a relationship with Him, not just a life of religious activity. This new life begins in us when we choose to “step over the line” by praying and asking God to forgive our sins and inviting Him to come into our life.

Please understand that this new life (or salvation) is a gift. We can only accept it, we cannot earn it. Accepting God’s gift of new life through Jesus Christ means that we admit our own sinfulness or inability to live life as God intended. We accept that His death on a cross satisfied the punishment for our sins.

To help people make a decision to begin this relationship with God, we often lead them in a prayer similar to the one below. There is nothing magical about prayers like this, they just help put into words what we feel and believe in our hearts.

“Jesus, thank you for caring about me. I realize that my sin has separated me from you, and that is has a high cost. I believe you paid that cost by dying on a cross in my place. And I believe you conquered death and came back to life to show me how to live. Please forgive my sin and take control of my life. I choose to follow you whatever the cost. Amen.”

The Bible says that when we choose to follow the way of Jesus, the old things pass away and new things come. (2 Corinthians 5:17) If you have prayed a similar prayer, and have just begun your journey as a new Christ Follower, we want to help you with your next steps. CLICK HERE to see what your next steps are and how we can help you take them.

We also encourage you to tell someone about the decision that you have just made. You can tell someone in your family or a best friend. We’d also love for you to tell us. You can do that by texting the word “brazospointe” to 95577. We want to celebrate with you, and help you along your journey as a new Christ Follower.