Embracing my Responsibility to Share Christ


Personal growth requires actively pursuing relationships with people who don’t know Christ. When I stay ready to share the story of what Christ has done in me, I am helping create opportunities for people to step over the line of faith. 



Familiarize myself with my faith

  • Write down a succinct explanation of my need for Jesus, the love He has for me, and the life I have in Him.

  • Learn to share my personal story of life-change in 3 minutes or less 

Pursue relationships with people who don’t know Christ

  • Find a hobby that allows me to meet new people

  • Strike up conversations at the places I already frequent (gym, grocery store, ball field, etc.)


Invite unchurched people into my life, into my church, and into a relationship with Jesus

  • Plan a play date for my kids. Have unchurched friends over for dinner or go out to dessert…whatever I enjoy!

  • Extend an invitation to join me for Small Group or for the Weekend Experience

  • When conversations lead to faith, church, or my own story, deliberately learn my friend’s story also. Ask lots of questions and boldly share what Jesus has done.


Go on an international mission trip at least once in my lifetime

  • Ask the GlobaLocal Minister about mission trip opportunities to learn which one would be a good fit for me.

  • Go!

Develop Resources

Resources are listed in order of intensity, but feel free to choose the one that piques your interest!

How to Share Your Faith Training // Online Class

The Art of Neighboring // Right Now Media

Pray for One Devotionals // At the GuideMarks Resource Center

Start the Party // Take Home Class


Deploy Resources

How to Make God Known to your Kids // Right Now Media Course

The Art of Neighboring // Right Now Media, get the book on Amazon, or checkout the website

Pray for One (PFO) Devotionals // at the Guidemarks Resource Center

How to Become a Christian // at the Guidemarks Resource Center to use with those you share Christ with

Thriving in Babylon // Right Now Media

Quick Answers with Sean McDowell: Volume 1 // Right Now Media

The Master Plan of Evangelism // find it on Amazon

Life on Mission: Youth Edition // Right Now Media or find the book on Amazon

Marketplace Mission Trip // Right Now Media

God Space // Book - find it on Amazon

In the deploy phase, you are living this out and leading others. A great next step is to get someone to hold you accountable to your next steps. This can be a small group leader or volunteer leader. If you don’t have someone, reach out to Michelle Masterson, here.