Using the Gifts I Have Been Given


We believe personal growth requires using our TIME, TALENTS, and TREASURES to serve God and others. When I am generous with my time, my abilities and my resources, I see God use me to maximize the gifts He’s given and I experience fulfillment.

What is your next step in using the gifts that you have been given?



Give of your Time & Talents

  • Serve as a volunteer at church and/or with a ministry partner. Contact Michelle Masterson for information.

  • Help out those in need in your neighborhood, such as widows, elderly, and single moms


Give of your Treasures

  • Attend Discovering Financial Peace

  • Create a budget

  • Begin tithing 10% of your income (“tithe” means a 1/10) or give regularly to another ministry/organization

  • Be spontaneous in your giving (“See a need; Meet a need”)

  • Move toward giving sacrificially above the tithe in your church and/or community


Share your experiences with your children and those that you influence

Develop Resources

Resources are listed in order of intensity, but feel free to choose the one that piques your interest!

People of the Fine Print // Right Now Media

Financial Peace University // In-person class - next class is fall 2021. Follow the link and scroll to the bottom.


Deploy Resources

Financial Peace University // In-person class - next class is fall 2021. Follow the link and scroll to the bottom.

Begin Volunteering // Follow the link to see all of the opportunities we have to serve!

In the deploy phase, you are living this out and leading others. A great next step is to get someone to hold you accountable to your next steps. This can be a small group leader or volunteer leader. If you don’t have someone, reach out to Michelle Masterson, here.