A Time of Transition


In Sunday’s message, In the Meantime, I spoke about living in a time of transition and waiting. As most of you are aware, our Children and Student Ministries are experiencing a time of transition. I’d like to give you an update on that.

Last fall our Children’s Minister, Kathy Peters retired. We immediately began interviewing Children’s Minister Candidates. Then in December Chris Watson transitioned out of Student Ministry and moved. In light of our church’s continued and significant growth, we stepped back to consider how our staffing arrangement could best meet our future challenges and opportunities. Our research indicated we needed to restructure our staff.

I’m pleased to announce we are creating a new position – Next Gen Pastor – on the BPF Team. The Next Generation Pastor will be a leader of leaders and be responsible for children from birth through college. He will lead a combined team of Children & Student Ministers and volunteers. This month our three Children’s Directors have been promoted to Children’s Ministers. Erin Martin is our Preschool Minister. Cindy Trout is our Minister to Elementary Children and Melissa Genre is our Preteen Minister. Once we find the Next Gen Pastor, he will help us search for a new Student Minister.

This new structure reflects a strategy our two teams have been implementing for several years now – an intentional process to come alongside parents from birth to graduation and support them as they lead their children to take their next steps with God.

I am excited about this next step for our church. We have already interviewed several candidates and have others in the pipeline. I ask for your continued prayers as we search first for the Next Gen Pastor, and then a new Student Minister.

Live bold,
