March For Life


This year I have been invited to serve on the 2018 Leadership Council of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). The ERLC helps churches understand and respond to ever changing ethical issues, as well as engage our culture from a Biblical worldview. I have often looked to the ERLC when seeking to understand how current events impact our mission of guiding people to take their next step with God. 

My responsibilities as I serve on this year’s Leadership Council will be first, to learn, and second, to join pastors and religious leaders in reshaping the SBC’s strategy for cultural engagement toward a biblically sound, kingdom-focused approach.

My first duty will be participating in this week’s Evangelicals for Life Conference and annual March for Life Rally in Washington DC. If that word Evangelicals is alarming to you, I understand. An Evangelical is literally a Good News Teller, someone committed to sharing the Gospel, or Good News of Jesus, with others. In recent years the word has unfortunately been used to describe voting blocs, the religious right, and any number of other groups of people that have very little commitment to or passion for sharing the Gospel. Rest assured anything I participate in labeled Evangelical will be connected to the Gospel for the ultimate purpose of achieving our vison to be a church for the unchurched.

Please pray for me as I learn and serve. I’ll see you Sunday.

Live bold,
