When You’re Ready…

My grandsons in Georgetown were watching a video of our service from last Sunday when Haddon (5 yrs. old) asked his mom, “They are going to church in the building?”  His little brother Liam (3 yrs.) said “We don’t go to church anymore.” Haddon quickly replied, “But we will one day.” That conversation says it all.

We all want life to return to normal, and that includes going to church, but we’re at different stages of ready. And that’s okay. 

  •  If you don’t feel safe being in a public place yet, it’s understandable and you are not alone in that feeling. You can still join us on livestream Sundays at 11:11. 

  • If you feel it’s best to wait till we have children’s ministry environments available before bringing you family back, we understand that too. Join us Sundays on livestream.

  • If you can’t figure out how to get a free ticket, call our office (979-266-9992) and we’ll help you. 

  • If you don’t want to take limited seats away from others, I like the way you think! I can assure you we have room for you too.

  • If you don’t want to wait in line to go to church, that’s not really a problem. Our ushers got everyone in quickly last week. 

  • If you don’t want to wear a mask, we won’t turn you away. But here’s why we strongly encourage wearing them. It reassures everyone who comes expecting a safe place to worship that ALL of us are taking every precaution recommended. Please remember one of our core values is having an Outward Focus. It’s not about you.

  • Finally, if you’ve gotten used to living in your pajamas please stay home until you can find your old clothes or order new clothes that fit. :)

  • If, however, you now feel comfortable getting out and eating in a restaurant or going into a busy grocery or hardware store, given the precautions we’re taking at church, you should feel quite comfortable coming back to Brazos Pointe.

I must admit, I was quite unsure what it would be like last week to gather for worship with all the extra precautions put in place. Would it even feel like church? Would it be worth it, knowing the crowd would be so much smaller? My apprehensions were laid to rest as people began coming in. There was such a spirit of joy and gratitude. And when we began worshiping God it didn’t matter we were singing with muffled voices. We had church!

Like Liam, most of us don’t go to church anymore (at least not in a church building), but one day you will.  Whenever that “one day” comes, we’re ready for you.

Live bold, and join us live or online this Sunday for “Mom Always Said,” 
