My Heart Is Full

My Heart Is Full

Most of life is rather routine, uneventful. But the past few weeks have been far from that for me and my heart is full. After years of prayer and months of planning we launched a second BPF campus in Mid County on April 1st, Easter Sunday. It was everything we hoped and prayed for, and much more. The greatest joy will come as we baptize those who have begun stepping over the line of faith there. 

March For Life UPDATE

March For Life UPDATE

A few weeks ago I attended the March for Life as part of my role on the 2018 Leadership Council of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). March for Life is a massive annual gathering in Washington DC of countless pro-life groups and organizations to peacefully protest the Supreme Court’s decision decades ago to legalize the taking of innocent unborn life.

March For Life

March For Life

This year I have been invited to serve on the 2018 Leadership Council of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). The ERLC helps churches understand and respond to ever changing ethical issues, as well as engage our culture from a Biblical worldview. I have often looked to the ERLC when seeking to understand how current events impact our mission of guiding people to take their next step with God.