Freedom Sunday 2019

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I am excited to announce Jim Martin, Vice President of Spiritual Development for theInternational Justice Mission – IJM, will be our guest speaker this weekend as we observe Freedom Sunday along with thousands of churches around the world. 

Our church has partnered with IJMfor many years in the fight to end the modern scourge of slavery. Students have studied human trafficking in their Small Groups and sponsored fundraisers for IJM. Some of our ladies participate in “Dressember” each December to raise awareness for the cause.  Scores have visited the Phnom Penh Field Office while on mission trips to Cambodia. A few dozen from Brazos Pointe Fellowship attended last year’s Liberate Conferencein Dallas. And for several years now we have observed Freedom Sunday. This November a BPF team will be partnering with IJM to train pastors and students in Cambodia on how to spot and prevent human trafficking in their communities.

We all have a unique opportunity this Sunday to hear firsthand what is happening around the world from one of the leaders of this organization as Jim comes to lead our Freedom Sunday observance. This will be a great opportunity for you to invite your unchurched friends and skeptics of Christianity to see how faith in Jesus really makes a difference as Christ followers stand up for the vulnerable around the world. I’ll see you Sunday.

Live bold, Greg