2020 BPF Ministry Budget

The 2020 Ministry Budget we are asking you to approve Sunday, which has been available at the GuideMarks Resource Center the past two weeks, provides support for all our BPF ministries. Most of our ministries have grown modestly in 2019 and some have experienced significant growth. Our giving has been strong this year as well, though it has come slightly under the projections for the 2019 Budget you approved last year. 


We believe our church should model the lessons we taught in this fall’s Money Challengemessage series, the last of which was to Live Responsibly. Therefore we are proposing a 5% reduction, approximately $200,000, in next year’s budget over this year’s to bring our estimated spending in line with anticipated giving. 


Most of our ministries will receive the same funding as in 2019. The reductions will come in the following areas.

  • Senior pastoral staff will not receive salary raises

  • Most of our evangelism budget is tied by percentage to the rest of the budget to insure our missions giving will always remain at least 11% or more of the total budget. Therefore the reductions detailed below will reduce the GlobaLocal, Cooperative Program and Gulf Coast Baptist Association budgets by a total of $22,400.

  • Eliminate next year’s annual allocation for future capital replacement; $20,000 savings

  • Remove the $100,000 additionalprinciple payment on debt that is normally budgeted

  • Reduce capital spending budget; $10,000 savings

  • Eliminate conference and conference travel budget for 2020; $28,500 savings

  • Replace Children’s Pine Cove Retreat with an on campus event; $4,500 savings. (The change was made in 2019 and was considered a better event than the retreat.)

  • Miscellaneous items make up the rest of the reductions


We hope to restore most of these items in the 2021 Budget so we can continue to save responsibly long term and give more generously in the future. 


Our vision of a church for the unchurched and mission of guiding people to take their next step with God drives everything we do, including how we steward the resources you generously give. We must never grow complacent, expecting God to repeat the blessings of this year into the next. Therefore I ask you to prayerfully consider this budget proposal and then, if you approve, joyfully give your tithes and offerings to support it in 2020. 


Live bold, 
