The Church AND


This Sunday we begin our first new message series of the year. We’re calling it The Church and…because it will focus on the church’s response to several issues that directly affect our day to day lives. Direction for these issues comes from the final two chapters of the New Testament book of 1 Thessalonians, a book we began looking at last fall. 

With wisdom from the pages of 1 Thessalonians we’ll discuss these subjects.

  • The Church and Abuse

  • The Church and Culture

  • The Church and the Future

  • The Church and Politics

  • The Church and Outside Voices

As you are surely aware some of these issues are quite sensitive and controversial. We have never shied away from dealing with tough topics because the Bible gives us great guidance and wisdom that needs to be heard. Our approach is always to speak the truth in love as we think biblically and respond lovingly. 

This Sunday I’ll be addressing issues of sexuality (1 Thess. 4:1-8) and focus much of our attention on the crisis of sexual abuse. Please pray for me Sunday that my words will be sensitive to and hopeful for survivors of abuse, and that I speak clearly and truthfully about God’s good gift of sexuality. This topic is not appropriate for children. This is one of many reasons we offer separate, age appropriate worship and learning environments for preschoolers through 6thgrade. If for some reason you have not been taking advantage of this better option for your children please be sure to do so this Sunday. 

Live bold, 



We are off to a great start in 2020. Many of you have responded to the challenge to reach for your highest and best. From the commitments we’ve received online this is shaping up to be the greatest response we’ve experienced since using the BPF App. If you haven’t let us know what is your highest and best for 2020, please go to the BPF App, click the Next Steps box, find that something you’ve never done beforeand record your commitment. We want to keep in touch with you to encourage you along the way.