Highest and Best

Are you giving God your highest and best? In our first service of the New Year I challenged you to press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called you heavenward in Christ Jesus.(Philippians 3:14)To accomplish this I further challenged you to do something you’ve never done beforeand offered several actions to consider. I have been so very encouraged by your response. Many of you used the BPF App Sunday to record your commitment. If you haven’t yet, please join those who have. Open the BPF App, click on the Next Steps box, find the thing you’re going to do and make a commitment. 

Here’s a reminder of the suggestions I made from our four point Discipleship Plan.

Experience Worship like never before. Every Sunday focus your mind’s attention, heart’s affection and your body’s postureon God. Put down the distractions and focus on Jesus.

Engage in a Small Group like never before. If you aren’t connected, commit to the 9-week Winter Quarter starting this week. If you’ve been in a Small Group for more than a year, lead one or host one. Our biggest constraint is not people willing to try them; it’s people willing to lead them.

Serve in Volunteer Ministry like never before. If you’re not serving, start. If you serve only a few times a month, begin serving every week. If you’re serving where a new believer can servestep up to more of a disciple making role.

Grow Spiritually like never before. Pray for One every day. Ask God to give you one person you can love toward Jesus. Commit to a Read-the-Bible plan – Essential 100, New Testament, Old Testament, Both, Children’s Bible – it doesn’t matter. Pick one and stick to it. Go on a short term mission trip. Live bold, not in fear. Give more generously. If you give sporadically, become strategic – give regularly. Already giving regularly, give sacrificially. Try asking how much you should keep instead of how much you should give.

By this time next year I pray everyone who calls Brazos Pointe Fellowship home will be connected with a Small Group. I hope dozens of you will join our pastors and ministers in the water baptizing 150 of your friends and family who step over the line of faith in response to your Prayer for One. Can 2020 be the year we exceed a hundred folks experiencing other cultures on a short term mission trip? Will 200 of you commit to read the Bible and begin understanding the world through a Biblical lens? Our neighbors need us to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of us. Let’s do this Brazos Pointe!

Live bold, 



Please remember to go to the BPF App, click the Next Steps box, find that something you’ve never done beforeand make the commitment.