Pray For Us

As we come to the end of our journey through the New Testament book of 1 Thessalonians this weekend, we will see a familiar theme once more – Prayer. Several times the Apostle Paul voices prayers for the Thessalonian believers. Several times he instructs them to pray. His last mention of prayer is personal. He says, “Brothers and sisters, pray for us also.”

Though I’ll be addressing the subject of “The Church and Outside Voices” this Sunday, I don’t want us to overlook this last call to prayer. Our church was conceived through the prayers of our parent church, First Baptist Lake Jackson. We have grown into maturity through prayer. We planted Coastal Community Church in Galveston and launched our Mid County Campus in Angleton through prayer. We’ve built buildings, added staff, created ministries and sent our members around the world through prayer.

We cannot remind each other often enough to pray. As we begin this new decade I ask you once again to pray, and to pray for us, the leaders of Brazos Pointe Fellowship. Pray for our faithfulness, integrity, and humility. As you “Pray for One,” pray for our leaders’ passion and boldness to share the Good News of Jesus with the unchurched as well.

Pray for our families and the challenges we face that are much like the ones you face in your lives. Time management, financial challenges, raising children, health issues, empty nests, aging parents. Pray for the four families on our staff who will be having babies this spring. Pray for those on our team who hope to add children to their home through adoption and pregnancy. Pray for the children growing up in our homes.

Pray for us as we search for a Small Groups Pastor. We dare not engage this process without guidance from the Holy Spirit. Pray for our staff to strengthen our Leadership Pipeline so we can continue to expand our church’s Gospel witness on both campuses, throughout Brazoria County and wherever God leads. 

As you pray brothers and sisters, pray for us also.

And live bold, Greg