Facing Coronavirus With Faith


For the past week I have been in almost daily contact with our partners in Seattle. They are living in a reality we are trying to prevent occurring in our communities. Only time will tell if we can avoid the problems they have come to know as their new normal.  You are no doubt learning about precautions we must make and listening for any new restrictions or changes we should make in the coming days and weeks. 

If we find the need to make any alterations in our church activities we’ll let you know in a timely manner. For now, the greater need is for us as followers of Almighty God to remember He is in control.  Which takes me back to our friends in the Northwest. Last week, before the fears down here reached fever pitch, I received this news letter from a group of pastors who live in the very community in Seattle that has been affected most.  We would do well to follow their example.

Here is their letter to their congregations:


Facing Coronavirus with Faith

Pastoral Guidance to the Saints in Redmond


“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you by my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 

As Christians we must face the reality, the unknowns, and the fear of Coronavirus with faith in the Living God who is with us and who promises to strengthen us. Our faith in the sovereign God should make our response distinct, as it did with the saints of old. For example, during plagues in the first and second centuries that killed multitudes throughout the Roman Empire, Christians didn’t desert the sick or flee from the cities like many others did. Many Christians stayed with the sick and cared for them. Many of the sick cared for by Christians recovered. They were impressed by their Christian neighbors who had loved them and risked their lives for them. Many came to follow Christ, seeing that faith in Jesus gave Christians courage in the face of death and sacrificial love for their neighbors. Today, followers of Jesus have an opportunity to show that faith in Christ the King makes them courageous in the face of death. We are people who not only look out for themselves and their families, but who care for their neighbors as well. 

As pastors in Redmond we call the saints to the following characteristics by faith: 

Be courageous 

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God.” Faith in God makes us courageous. You are not alone. You are not the bottom line of your and your family’s life. God is! Be courageous. The church will not flee in fear. We will remain calm. We will help one another. This is what it means to be the family of God. Most of all, be courageous, Christ defeated death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. We can face the scary unknown of Coronavirus, chaos, and even death with confidence in Jesus’ victory. 


Be wise 

“I will strengthen you; I will help you.” Faith in God also makes us wise. God is there to strengthen us and help us. He helps us through his Word, the Holy Spirit, prayer and the church family. He also helps us through the wise counsel of others, and doctors and medical institutions. Each Christian and every Christian family are responsible to make wise decisions based on their conscience. Christians should use common sense flu season hygiene, and the Health Department’s recommendations are helpful. We know that the risks are not the same for everyone. Be wise. 


As your pastors, we care for your welfare and witness. As the church in Redmond, we are a strong support and care network in times of crisis. We will continue to monitor the situation, and as needed provide care for members in need. We also want to be the Body of Jesus for our non-Christian neighbors as well. Let’s stand together in prayer and unity, with courage and wisdom, to the glory and honor of Christ our King. 

Sincerely, Pastors Scott Brewer (Meadowbrook Church), Jason Dorsey (Redeemer Redmond Church), Ray Hyun (Mountain Ridge Church), Robroy Ranger (Redmond Assembly), Ben Coffin (Union Hill Church)


Brazos Pointe Fellowship, Let’s stand in prayer with them.

Live bold… and wash your hands,
