Life Interrupted


This time last week I was trying to decide whether to keep plans for a trip to Seattle on March 22. In hindsight a decision I struggled with for two weeks seems like such an easy one now. As the rules for daily life change from hour to hour let’s keep some perspective by remembering the one who never changes. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8) 

Our office is very quiet as most are working from home now. If you’re feeling uneasy please realize you’re not alone. It’s okay to have those feelings. Just remember to take them to Jesus in prayer and don’t let them dominate your thoughts for long. In the same letter the Apostle Paul told a church to be anxious for nothing, but pray about everything he also said this. Brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (Philippians 4:8)That’s my charge to you this week. Think about such things when you feel anxious or uneasy.

As our church goes online Sunday we are beginning a new Message Series: Life Interrupted. We’ll be looking at narratives in the Bible where people’s lives were interrupted and see how their stories played out. For as long as this stoppage continues we will have plenty of stories to draw from. Sunday’s message is Sabbath Interrupted from Matthew 12:1-14.

Here are some other things to know and do while our world slows to a crawl. 

·      Let’s worship together online Sunday at 10:30. A combined band from both campuses will lead us in worship. You’ll be able to stream the service on Facebook, YouTube, the BPF App, or at

·      Parents, check out the Brazos Pointe Kids Facebook page for instructions on how to do home church with your children.

·      To stay connected and up to date follow uson Facebook, Instagram, the BPF App, and subscribeto our Brazos Pointe YouTube Channel.

·      I urge you to take advantage of online giving if you aren’t already doing so. I don’t like talking about this but the reality is when we don’t meet, like on Servolution day each year, many forget to give. Other than coffee and donut holes not purchased and a slight dip in utilities our financial obligations remain the same, including payroll for our employees. Please go to brazospointe.comand click GIVEon the blue bar at the top of the page. 

Finally brothers and sisters, remember, this is temporary. This time last year Kathy and I were waiting for our grandson to be born. The four weeks leading to his birth seemed to drag on forever. Wednesday Lincoln turned one. Oh how the past year has flown by. And now we are waiting again for a time to celebrate because we had to postpone this weekend’s birthday party. It’s not a good time for them to fly down to Texas. This is temporary. We’ll celebrate that little man’s birthday, soon.

My favorite verse of late is actually a phrase in the Bible repeated 643 times in the old King James Version: And it came to pass…  This crisis will come to pass. Trust God to carry you through it and don’t miss the opportunities to do good while it’s here.

Live bold… and quit watching so much news,
