
This year has been a roller coaster experience; but not the fun kind. I love roller coasters, except when they make you sick at your stomach. That’s how I felt this week when we decided to once again suspend in-person services for the rest of July. We made this decision to do what we could to help stop the rapid spread of the coronavirus in south and central Brazoria County. Hopefully, we can resume in-person gatherings Aug 2. That of course depends upon the “numbers” going back down significantly.

Till then I want to encourage you to make the 11:11 AM Live Stream Worship Services on Sunday a priority. We need to gather. Even if it’s only virtually. Our mission hasn’t stopped just because we’ve had to practice isolation and social distancing. Worship reminds us God is in control. And it also encourages us to ask the right questions during this crazy time. 

Let me remind you that when hard times come, instead of asking Why? We should be asking What? 

  • What does God want to teach me?

  • What does God want to show me?

  • What does God want to change in me?

  • What its God’s ultimate purpose in this pain?

There has been a lot of sadness and even tears in our office the past few weeks as our staff, passionate about guiding people to take their next step with God, has had to accept the reality that we can’t do our jobs the way we need and want to.

So we’re asking What? What can I be doing with this opportunity of time? What can I do that I’ve always had to put off? What can I dream about and make plans for in the future? 

If we see time as a gift, we can make the most of it.  

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.    
— Ephesian 5:15-16

Live bold, and start asking questions, 
