Pay It Forward


I always look forward to the spring. We celebrate Jesus’ resurrection at Easter, BPF’s birthday (our 19th) on April 15, and give away big gifts for missions through our World Missions Offering (WMO). But this spring was different. 

We celebrated Easter on-line, skipped over our birthday and postponed the offering. Realizing we’re in this “new normal” for a while we’ve decided to go forward with our WMO now because our mission hasn’t changed and the offering’s recipients are in greater need of our generosity than ever. 

Usually collected near our birthday, the WMO has been a way of thanking God for this church. We pay our blessings forward to others who share our passion to carry the Gospel to the World. 50% of your gifts support career missionaries around the world through the IMB - International Mission Board. To plant new churches in places people seldom hear the Gospel 20% goes to NAMB, the North American Mission Board, and 5% to our state convention’s Reach Texas Offering. And we always have a special project that receives the remainder of your generosity – 25% this year. 

This years’ special project is a Church Planting Residency for our own Stephen Searles at The Hallows Church in Seattle. After three years of prayer and preparation, Stephen & Jessica moved to Seattle in June and now live in an apartment provided by NAMB. Following his 18-24 month residency, Stephen & Jessica (and perhaps some of you) will plant “The Pointe” in Seattle, a church with Brazos Pointe Fellowship’s DNA.  

We had hoped to collect this offering in person on August 9, but we will still be worshipping via livestream then. So you can give online, mail it in, or bring it to the office during weekdays. Please designate it World Missions Offering

Together we gave over $78,000 last year. Before the pandemic we set a 2020 goal of $100,000. I believe we can still do this. Because of the shutdown most of us have spent less on fuel and eating out. Many cancelled travel, including mission trips. Perhaps you received stimulus money which you really didn’t need. God provides in interesting ways. 

Here’s my challenge. If you’ve never given to the WMO, start this year. Consider doubling last year’s gift if you haven’t done so before. Kathy & I try to increase our gift each year. I’m asking you to do the same whether it be $50, $100, $500, $1000 or more. Parent’s, challenge your children & teens to look for ways to give. Our purpose, as always, is to help our partners share the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

Pay it Forward and Give Bold,
