You Helped Plant A New Church!

This weekend a small group of folks will start a church in a village where there has never been a church before. How did you help plant it? You did it with your tithes and offerings, because a percentage of every dollar you give our church goes into the GlobaLocal portion of our budget, which is then sent across the country and around the world to support our partners. 

The new church you helped plant is the fruit of years of work by Kevin & Lauren,* a couple we sent to a closed country in Southeast Asia. The people starting the church in their house are part of an unreached people group** Kevin & Lauren have been training and discipling. Please pray for them and the people they hope will join them this Saturday evening at 9:00 PM, which will be 9:00 AM Sunday morning for them. Pray for safety and security and that they will feel a strong presence of the Lord as they worship.

Earlier this year we introduced BPF’s 2026 Vision to send people across Brazoria County and around the world to engage thousands of unchurched people with the Gospel and multiply scores of churches locally and globally. It’s so exciting to see part of that vision become a reality on the other side of the globe. 

Live Bold,


*Last name and country name withheld for security reasons

**Unreached People Group means that less than 2% of that group of people are believers. 
