Celebrate Freedom By Helping Others Become Free


As we celebrate our freedom in America this weekend let us remember, pray for, and seek to help those who are not yet free. For most of our existence as a church we have worked with IJM, the International Justice Mission, to bring freedom to the tens of millions of people caught in the grips of modern day slavery. 

A few years ago we entered a partnership with IJM’s Phnom Penh Field Office in Cambodia.  A significant portion of our GlobaLocal budget each year supports their work across SE Asia. And just before the pandemic we sent a team to work directly with them in the field. We hope to return there as travel opens up in that part of the world.

I recently received IJM’s 2020 Year-End Report for the Phnom Penh Field Office and want to share it with you. You can access the report, the latest prayer requests, and a video update from the field at this link: https://app.box.com/s/gatsr40h920isifmligu28dphzwntv5s

To all of you who are IJM Freedom Partners, thanks for caring about those Jesus called “the least of these.” And thanks to all of you who support our church with your financial tithes and offerings. Your generosity blesses more people than you’ll ever know.

 Live Bold and Happy 4th,
