Celebrate Easter at Brazos Pointe!

Easter weekend at Brazos Pointe is always big and God always does big stuff.  This year, we want to make it bigger and ask God make Himself known to lots of new folks who haven’t met him! So, we’re expanding the celebration to include a first ever event on Saturday. Introducing:


Saturday, April 8 – 2 to 5 pm

Easterpalooza will include outdoor (and some indoor) fun for everyone. As Randy said Sunday, it’s a Party on the Church Property. We are purposefully creating an awesome experience for you to invite your unchurched friends, family, and neighbors to. Maybe folks that won’t come with you on Sunday will come with you on Saturday!

  • There will be Easter activities for every age group.

  • Bounce Houses

  • Hayrides

  • Canoes and Kayaks

  • Volleyball, 9 Square, and Other Sports

    AND MORE!!

  • We’ll have a Bunny Hop where kids, big and small, can hop from car to car collecting candy and treats.

    WAIT… there’s even more!

  • There will also be food to snack on from a church-wide Cooking Contest!

Of course we could use your help. Here are several ways to volunteer.

  • Bring your car and candy for The Bunny Hop,

  • Enter the Cooking Contest

  • Take a shift to help with activities or welcoming our guests.

Having a fun place for our church families to celebrate Easter weekend will be great, but introducing your unchurched friends to BPF and to Jesus will be far greater!

Bring somebody to Easter at Brazos Pointe this year and Live Bold,