Unicycle Story Follow Up


There was a lot of response from the video I showed Sunday morning about the Missionary kid in Ghana and the friendships built around his unicycle. There’s more to Trey Haun’s story I want you to hear so I’m including a LINK to the article about him. And there’s a link in the story to the video you saw if you want to watch it again.

Just so you know our church’s connection, Trey’s parents are missionaries to Ghana with the International Mission Board (IMB). The IMB is our primary partner for international missions. You support the IMB both through your weekly tithes and offerings and our annual World Missions Offering.

We have a direct connection to the IMB through a member of our church, Allie White, who serves with the IMB in Uganda. We’re looking forward to seeing Allie in early 2022 when she comes stateside for a brief visit. Another connection we have with the IMB is Greg & Savannah J., IMB Missionaries in South America. Greg grew up at BPF and went on his first overseas mission trip with us when he was in High School.

Thanks for all your generosity in supporting missions around the world.

Live Bold,


Missionary kid wins medals at Unicycle World Championships