In Person Service Are Back This Sunday!


It’s time. That’s the sentiment I’ve heard from every one of you I’ve talked with the past few weeks. With the 7 Day average rates of new Covid-19 infections in the southern part of our county continuing to drop we are confident we can meet together safely for worship beginning this Sunday, September 13.  

9:30 & 11:11 at Brazoria Road Campus

9:45 & 11:11 at Mid County Campus

Online service will continue at 9:30 am 

All Children and Preschool Ministries will be open at both campuses (9:45 only at MCC). To ensure our volunteer staffing is adequate, every child and preschooler will need to get a ticket ahead of time. Everyone entering the Children’s areas will go through a health screening, including temperature checks. 

Sunday’s message is titled Canoeing the Mountains. Think “Lewis & Clark Expedition” when they discovered the Rocky Mountains and all they had to cross them with were canoes. Dead end, or opportunity to try something new? You can guess where we’re going with this. 

Our September reopening will look different from our May reopening. Beginning Sunday our Mid County Campus will no longer have video messages. We will have “live messages” from our preaching team from here forward. We’re trying to create a little warmer atmosphere than you encountered in May & June so our foyers won’t have the stanchions & ropes funneling you straight into the worship centers. And you won’t have to wait for someone to seat you. You can sit where you like as long as you keep two seats between you or your family and others. The Welcome & Resource Centers will reopen too. (Sorry, no coffee or donut holes just yet.) 

For safety and love of neighbor, masks will be required while in the building for everyone but preschoolers. We’ll let you take them off during the message, but you’ll need to wear your mask at all other times. All buildings will be cleaned between services with the same foggers used in emergency rooms and ambulances.

I can’t wait to see all your smiling faces Sunday… or at least foreheads. 😷

Live bold, 
