I'm Smiling

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Why am I smiling? Because in the midst of a pandemic, and after our church hasn’t been able to gather in person for many weeks, your gifts to our annual World Missions Offering have surpassed last year’s giving. As of Thursday morning you’ve given the most ever to World Missions: $84,400. 

I am so grateful for your generosity. As our world languishes in this semi-isolated existence you continue to have an outward focus, remembering the needs of others. I’ve seen it in many ways even before this offering – in the care you give one another through Small Groups, the food drives where you donated thousands of pounds of food, the stories of “Pray for One” encounters as you’ve shared the gospel with others, and your faithful financial support of our church budget. I’ve seen it in the way you cooperated with all the social distancing guidelines we put in place to protect others during the brief time we came back for in-person services. (By the way – we are diligently working on plans to reopen soon.)

Back to the WMO. Your generosity means we will be giving one of our largest gifts for world evangelism to the IMB (International Mission Board), our greatest offerings ever for church planting and gospel centered disaster relief to NAMB (the North American Mission Board) and the Reach Texas Offerings. On top of all that your generosity is establishing our first Church Planting Residency in Seattle.  One fourth of this offering, over $21,000 so far, will support Stephen & Jessica Searles as they prepare to launch The Pointe, a church for the unchurched, in Seattle in 2022.

I say, so far, because our experience is that people continue to give a few weeks after our offering is collected. So you can still give to the 2020 World Missions Offering through this weekend. We may not reach our audacious goal of $100,000, but that won’t keep me from smiling and praising God for your incredible generosity. Thank you Brazos Pointe Fellowship. I hope you’re smiling with me.

Keep living bold, 



AND PRAY BOLD TOO... Text thepointe to 95577 to become one of Stephen & Jessica’s 100 Prayer Partners. Register now for a 6 month commitment to pray and you’ll receive newsletters and updates for the remainder of the year.