Because He Lives

Music was a major influence on my spiritual growth as a child and teen. On Sunday mornings we sang hymns accompanied by the piano and organ, led by a guy waving his arms at us with a large choir standing behind him wearing robes. But Sunday nights were different. We often had a band with guitars, drums and an amplified upright bass. That’sthe music I really connected with. 

Our church in Orange, TX was ahead of its time embracing the music of the early 70’s Jesus Movement. Not all the new music was written by Christian hippies, though. The Hillsong and Bethel Music folks of that day were people like Andre Crouch and Bill & Gloria Gaither. A song the Gaithers wrote popped into my head the other day as we celebrated the birth of Josiah Kai Castillo. He’s the son of Joseph & Emily Castillo. The song is “Because He Lives.” We sang it every Easter. This is the chorus.

Because He lives I can face tomorrow

Because He lives all fear is gone

Because I know He holds the future

Life is worth the living just because He lives.

Josiah is the first of four babies that will be born this spring and summer to parents serving on our BPF staff. Next in line are Erin & Jared Wilson (April), Marissa & Carlos Reyes (June), and Andrew & Brittany McKay (July). None of them could have imagined their babies would be born during a time of such uncertainty in our world. But that’s why I think that song came to mind. The chorus is encouraging enough, but the words I remembered were the second verse. 

How sweet to hold a new born baby

And feel the pride and joy he gives

But better still the calm assurance

That child can face uncertain days because He lives


We’re actually expecting a lot of babies in our church this year. That’s a good thing. And some are predicting another baby boom in our country beginning next January. (Do the math). That’ll be a good thing too. 

This Sunday we’re celebrating Easter. We won’t be singing “Because He Lives”, but the message of the music will be the same. Jesus, who died for our sins, defeated death and the grave. He is Alive and Well. And because of that we are more than able to face an uncertain future. 

Live bold, and sing an old song that gives you hope,
