Brazos Pointe is almost 21!

BPF was born April 15, 2001. Every year since then, mostly near our April Birthday, we have celebrated by paying forward our blessings through a World Missions Offering (WMO). Then we give it all away to three lead mission partners, plus a special project each year. The past two weeks this post has highlighted two of those three lead partners. Today’s spotlight is on the Reach Texas Initiative. 

Reach Texas is an initiative of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention. Reach Texas is similar to SEND City initiative of the North American Mission Board I wrote about last week. Reach Texas focuses primarily on church planting, church revitalization – helping declining churches become healthy again, and church replanting – restarting dying churches as a completely new church. The need for new and renewed churches is great even in Texas. Consider this: Austin is 41% unchurched, El Paso is 98 % unchurched, and Houston, our immediate neighbor to the north, is 68% unchurched. 

In addition to that Reach Texas carries out collegiate and student ministry, trains churches to minister to Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims, mobilizes Texas churches for missions around the world, responds to disaster relief needs in our state and beyond, and promotes and educates churches on foster care and adoption. 

YOU support all that and more through your gifts to our World Mission Offering. Thanks Brazos Pointe. That’s how you

Live Bold, 
