A Brazos Pointe Connection in Uganda

A missionary from our Fellowship just made big news in the church world. Allie White, a former BPF Student Intern and then Missions Intern journeyed to Africa last year not knowing what she’d do once she arrived. She is serving in Uganda as a two-year Journeyman Missionary with the IMB (International Mission Board). Allie just knew to pray, learn the language and look to see where God was at work.

I’m happy to tell you she found her purpose there. God used Allie not only to help rescue scores of women from darkness, but also turn the attention of a local church there outward to those in need. I knew some of the story from her newsletters. But then it was featured in an IMB press release. (See link below.) I hope as you read it you’ll connect the dots from your gifts to our World Missions Offering (WMO) to the lives Allie and her partners are touching on the other side of the world. Also be sure to check out this weekend’s BEYOND Devotional in the Program or BPF App – Allie wrote it.

Thanks for being a church Allie knew would send her overseas. Thanks for caring about people you’ll never meet. And thanks for your generous gifts to the IMB through the WMO and a portion of every week’s offerings.

Keep living bold,


Women in Uganda find escape from brothels and hope for salvation