Response To Southern Baptist Sexual Abuse Report

The Pastors and Leadership of Brazos Pointe Fellowship are saddened and frustrated at the revelations presented in the independent third-party investigation of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Executive Committee (EC) and its handling of sexual abuse. We grieve with survivors who have been ignored, stonewalled, and, in some cases, slandered, for attempting to tell the truth so others could be protected from future victimization. We hope you will join us as we pray for abuse survivors and for those in the leadership of the SBC to choose accountability and transparency in the coming days.

The Sexual Abuse Task Force investigation and REPORT was the result of a groundswell movement among Southern Baptist churches that culminated in a motion during last year’s annual convention in Nashville demanding an accounting of the EC’s actions. I was present there and voted for that motion, which passed overwhelmingly. It was clear that a very small number of leaders had prevented the churches of the SBC from knowing the breadth of abuse that had taken place. Now we know and can make changes in the leadership structure to ensure this never happens again.

I will be attending the Convention June 14-15 in Anaheim, CA with hopes of helping to bring about increased accountability and transparency within the entities and institutions affiliated with the SBC. We ask that you pray for that gathering. Though it is less than two weeks from now, it is still possible to register as a Messenger to represent our church if any of you wish to go. Please let me know this Sunday if you are interested.

Brazos Pointe Fellowship remains committed to the highest level of safety protocols for everyone in our care. We believe transparency, accountability and vigilance is essential for us to carry out our mission while protecting the vulnerable. In addition to my participation at the Convention, our Leadership, Ministry and Advisory Teams will continue to discuss any additional next steps our church might need to take in order to ensure those in our congregation are safe and well-loved.

Live boldly with integrity,



A hotline has been established to allow those affected by sexual abuse within Southern Baptist churches to report abuse.

The number is 202-864-5578.