Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

When I was a kid we travelled to Hattiesburg, Mississippi every summer to visit my grandparents; an 8 hour trip through South Louisiana, on two lane highways before Interstate 10 was completed, hot air blowing through the half open windows of an un-air conditioned car, with my sister and brother and me sitting on hot vinyl seats trying not to touch each other. We were practicing social distancing before it was a thing. Keep that image in mind when you hear stories about the good ole days.

Facing Coronavirus With Faith

Facing Coronavirus With Faith

For the past week I have been in almost daily contact with our partners in Seattle. They are living in a reality we are trying to prevent occurring in our communities. Only time will tell if we can avoid the problems they have come to know as their new normal. You are no doubt learning about precautions we must make and listening for any new restrictions or changes we should make in the coming days and weeks.

If we find the need to make any alterations in our church activities we’ll let you know in a timely manner. For now, the greater need is for us as followers of Almighty God to remember He is in control. Which takes me back to our friends in the Northwest. Last week, before the fears down here reached fever pitch, I received this news letter from a group of pastors who live in the very community in Seattle that has been affected most. We would do well to follow their example.

Here is their letter to their congregations: