Response To Southern Baptist Sexual Abuse Report

Response To Southern Baptist Sexual Abuse Report

The Pastors and Leadership of Brazos Pointe Fellowship are saddened and frustrated at the revelations presented in the independent third-party investigation of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Executive Committee (EC) and its handling of sexual abuse. We grieve with survivors who have been ignored, stonewalled, and, in some cases, slandered, for attempting to tell the truth so others could be protected from future victimization. We hope you will join us as we pray for abuse survivors and for those in the leadership of the SBC to choose accountability and transparency in the coming days.

A Brazos Pointe Connection in Uganda

A Brazos Pointe Connection in Uganda

A missionary from our Fellowship just made big news in the church world. Allie White, a former BPF Student Intern and then Missions Intern journeyed to Africa last year not knowing what she’d do once she arrived. She is serving in Uganda as a two-year Journeyman Missionary with the IMB (International Mission Board). Allie just knew to pray, learn the language and look to see where God was at work.