Amazing Responses to This Crisis

Amazing Responses to This Crisis

I heard an astonishing fact last week about the effect on our planet of this abrupt halt in human activity – the earth is calmer. Seismologists have detected a strange silence. Seismographs are currently indicating the quieting of the earth’s surface in much of the world. The massive reduction in the everyday hum of humanity, people moving about in cars, trucks, trains and planes, is showing up in seismographic evidence. There is a 20-30% drop in noise. The morning rush across the world is now a morning quiet, enabling scientists to hear even smaller earthquakes.

Sharing our Faith and Social Distancing

Sharing our Faith and Social Distancing

As we rethink how to do church in this time of social distancing we start with the basics. Our vison and mission remain unchanged. We are still a church for the unchurched guiding people to take their next step with God. We’ve figured out how to meet for Worship and Small Groups. Really impressive are the creative ways so many of you have discovered how to serve others through Volunteer Ministry. But what about evangelism? Sharing the Gospel and Social Distancing seem to be mutually exclusive activities.